Plus Point Management Consultants

Страна: Россия

Сфера деятельности: Бизнес

Plus Point Management Consultants is a leading recruitment and training consultancy in the UAE. Our dedicated services and unmatched expertise in employing the right talent at the right place has helped establish us as one of the best global recruitment brands. We hold the expertise of successfully serving a wide range of industry verticals in the Middle East and Asia Pacific.

We offer the same quality of services and level of commitment to all our clients, irrespective of whether they are a multinational corporation or job seekers. Our dedicated team of qualified professionals combines the synergies of practiced knowledge, industry best practices, and innovative strategies to leverage the individual as well as the business into a vantage position that helps leapfrog competition almost effortlessly.

It is our constant endeavor to hand-hold our clients into an environment that is conducive of mutual growth and success. For this, we deliver services based on the robust cornerstones of our core values that include commitment, integrity, value addition and trust. Clients have entrusted Plus Point with their recruitment function to gain advantages such as collaborative execution, dedicated support team and a trusted partner for success.

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  • 2013-12-18 16:56:31 5 142
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Многие оплошности прощаютАвансовые платежи по ткВысокие зпХороший коллектив)Бонус за работу в выходные!!!

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